Saturday, February 24, 2007


For the past year I have written a blog entitled “A Dimm View of Life”. During that time, I have written, off and on, about political issues that interest me.

As a nation, we are beginning to gear up for a Presidential campaign. We are hearing candidates declare themselves and even a little bickering among themselves.

That is the point of this blog, “A Dimm View of Politics”. I thought about calling it “Dimm View of Presidential Campaigns” or “Dimm View of Presidential Politics”, but the blog may not be solely about the Presidential Campaign.

I have run for local office and won. The blog may discuss state politics. I live in Illinois, but there may be races in other states that could be of interest.

As an individual, I consider myself a moderate. I am unhappy with the direction the country has taken, so I am leaning more to the left than I have in the past. Still, that does not mean I will always take a liberal stance. It also does not mean I will not change my opinion throughout the next year and a half.

This is going to be a long road to November of 2008. It will be fun to comment and I am greatly interested in hearing your views. Unlike the “DV of Life” or “DV of Baseball” to which I hope to comment daily, the “DV of Politics may only be heard from a couple times a week.

The next blog is the same one I wrote for “DV of Life” today. It is about candidate Joe Biden and his possibly cursed Presidential campaign. Check back in the archives of “DV of Life” to find comments about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, among other political topics.

Thank you for checking out the blog! Better days are ahead. Let’s go get ‘em!

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